Why invest in New Priok
Tanjung Priok is the key port of the
fourth largest country on earth. It is the
hub supply 250m people over a 17,000
island archipelago. It did not have the
capacity of capability to deliver. New
Priok was needed to:
Reduce logistics costs
Create capability to accept larger ships
Improve access to Tanjung Priok
Deliver more capacity
Build a port developer
Generate cash flow
Generate investment for port projects
Mission critical project for the
Government of Indonesia
The financing gap
New Priok Phase 1 was forecast to cost
US$ 2.5 billion, in 2010 IPC had:
Average EBITDA of US$ 106 million
over previous 3 years
This implied at best a debt capacity
in the order of US$ 600 million
Other CAPEX was to be funded by
debt in the order of US$ 400
IPC had no access to Government funds
because of fiscal budget constraints
Ways were found to leverage what IPC
had to deliver the investment
Everything had to be done within a
complex regulatory environment
There was little international confidence
in IPC’s track record on investment or
being a Joint Venture partner
The project was time critical and had to
be done fast track
DWA contribution
David Wignall Associates led the
development of New Priok Port they:
Initial concept and pre-feasibility studies
Prepared the Master Plan, Business Plans
and Implementation Strategies
Managed the regulatory approval process
including a Presidential Decree
Were Technical & Commercial Advisors for
development process and led advisory
Negotiated main Concession Agreement
and all other commercial agreements
Advised on the Regulatory Position
Led process to select Operators
Provided senior staff to support company